Saturday, April 30, 2005

Acc03: no news?

For the third installation, I have proposed to the spare room gallery to have an installation using newspapers- piling them in the room, then pulling them out and illustrating a image from that page on the paper, and posting it on the wall.

I think I've moved away from the idea of posting the drawings, and have grown more interested in having the different piles and the changing function and shape of the piles be the focus. So, a pile of newspapers, in stacks. This pile becomes a source for the second pile, which is made by balling up individual sheets in the center of the room. This second pile is the end result of that action, but then becomes the source for the third pile. The third pile would be the organization of the sheets into neat, folded papers- one of A1-A2-etc, one of A3-A4-etc, one of B1-B2-etc and so on. So the focus of the piece wouldn't be the creation of an end product, but it would be focusing on (and documenting) the organization systems and the physical forms the piles take on.

No word yet from the organizer of the space- it's actually a spare room in her home, so I wonder if I could actually be there enough time to do this. I am also curious if she will go for the original proposal, as it seems clear to me that it's kind of weak.

Also, I noticed a show in Philadelphia by Brian Wagner called Accumulations- he's working with piles of things (brooms, measuring sticks, etc) so I imagine it's natural to use the word; I thought I should note it here anyway. Here's the link, it looks like interesting work:


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